7th Grade Supply List
Supplies for All Classes:
3" binder with 6-dividers
Zippered pouch for 3-ring binder
Pens (any color)
Pencils (replenished through the year)
Pack of college ruled paper - 2
School planner (provided by school)
Hand sanitizer
Handheld pencil sharpener
Supplies for English/Language Arts:
Composition book (not spiral bound)
Supplies for Physical Education:
Uniform required (can be purchased at Pioneer's Student Store, or similar shorts/t-shirt can be purchased elsewhere)
Supplies for Math:
College ruled comp book
Graphing composition book
Loose-leaf graph paper
Fine-point dry erase markers (3-5)
Optional: ruler and protractor
Supplies for Social Studies:
Comp book(not spiral bound)
Supplies for Science:
Composition book (lined)
Glue stick - 3
See PE tab for uniform information
Optional Supplies:
Drawstring bag (no backpacks in class)
Planners were gifted to students by Pioneer's PTA, so no need to purchase!