SHSD Approved Reasons for Excused Absence
- Illness, health condition, or medical appointment (to include mental health needs);
- Family emergency;
- Religious or cultural observance;
- Court or judicial preceding;
- Post-secondary visitation or scholarship interview;
- State-recognized search and rescue activities;
- Absence related to McKinney-Vento status;
- Absence related to deployment status of an active-duty guardian;
- Absence due to suspension, expulsions, or emergency expulsions;
- Absence due to safety concerns, including threats, assaults, or bullying;
- Absence due to a student's migrant status;
- An approved activity consistent with district policy and mutually agreed upon by the principal or designee and a guardian;
- Absence related to illness or appointments due to Covid-19;
- Absence related to illness or appointments of a family member due to Covid-19;
- Absence related to a student's employment obligations made temporarily necessary by Covid-19;
- Absence due to the student's guardian's work schedule or other obligations during regular school hours, until other arrangements can be made;
- Absence due to the student's lack of necessary instructional tools, including internet access or connectivity; and,
- Other Covid-19 related circumstances as determined between the school and guardian.
If an absence is excused, the student will be permitted to make up all missed assignments outside of class under reasonable conditions and time limits established by the appropriate teacher. When reasonable, if a student misses a participation-type class, they can request an alternative assignment that aligns with the learning goals of the activity missed. An excused absence will be verified by the student's guardian. Students thirteen and older have the right to keep information about drug, alcohol, or mental health treatment confidential. For more information about absences in SHSD, please visit this link.